cerita tria bersama haris

The house is a block with a different haris Sisil. After school I drove Sisil dump for the gift to give haris. Sempet confused nyari haris house, because I gatau where his house. Previously I've sms haris going to his house so. Yups since I recite my birthday so to Haris started texting frequently at haris.
Incidentally in the block house haris many more small ank y Ague Tanya was playing with them.
'De, ga tau haris house?'
'Who ka? haris? oh ya ka ka haris that this house (pointing to the haris) '
'Oh yes that is maksih de, ohiya please panggilin ka ga harisnya be de?'
'Yes ka. Ka ka haris haris ... there are nyari '
And ga haris out some time later.
'Oh ell, what to do to my house'
'I want to give ya this for lo ih (issued gift)
'Hell, gausah times, already lo return GIH. Dicariin later wrote. '
'I gamau ga lo accept return if this'
And finally haris accept my gift.
Once accepted haris send short messages whose contents' uh huh maksih the gift, so ngerepotin. There - there aja lo '
Yups after each of the events that I haris be added deket, often texting deh ya.
From frequent texting it was getting increasingly arise haris to my taste. Until finally I know Haris already had a boyfriend.
Sick, and I know it fits nyesek of Sisil if haris uda has a boyfriend. Well after I knew it, I was already ga lai bold text but in fact haris haris who sms me first. Until the day we are texting and did not notice we are getting deket and sometimes I forget that Haris already had a boyfriend.
And did not notice I always give more attention to Haris, haris and likes the attention I gave to him.
2 months passed and I'm getting the same deket haris, every day we are always texting even ngucapin good morning or good night.
Feelings can not in bohongin. I, like the same haris.
Shit I like the same guy who obviously - obviously already had a boyfriend, but I do not know haris also enjoy the closeness that exists between me and him. Yups kdekatan reason he could enjoy it because his girlfriend was busy haris.
Yups because my circumstances and enjoy the closeness jug forget it. However, if they remember the fact that, it feels really sore.
It used to it again, so yes its time to play TOD or Truth Or Dare lah. Yes friend - my friend was already evil jailnya jail and I deh in kerjaain in order for recognition in front of them that I really like haris. Rese ga hell-_-
Yups haris to fit my story again smsan
'Ris lo ga tau tuh hell Sisil rese really, my time in order to make the recognition
'Recognition of what emangnya?'
'Yes I have to admit again like anyone'
'Continue lo say? who likes lo? '
'Lo wkwkwk nephew, essentially the same friend I like the school deh'
'Oh friends of the school'
'Yes friends of the school, but ..'
'But what?'
'Yes but I also like the same people again and its different schools'
'Different school? who? I know ga?
'I really should uuumm nagku huh?'
From the brief message was haris know if I really like haris. Because ultimately I admit, yes I lie on the better I admit it?
3 months after my closeness at the end haris haris invites my way for the first time.
I forgot my Ohiya during the same deket haris was bludgeon the tau. Yes I like him the backstreet of all my friend and haris. I do not know I do not understand why we diem - diem. But haris and I weve nyembunyiin all this.
Yups I still remember my very first time of loading the same way Monday. Funny thing is when I haris the same way he did me the same - just wear a jacket of the same color is light green. Yeah funny ga pact but could equally so.
I'm the same way the first time, it is because I'm haris haris temenin home to grab my friend made garskin. Yes it was my first sempet Shop O-deh.
The same way the first haris very stiff, probably because I do not know why stiff the first time the road yes. Garskin take me home from'm temenin to Intermedia and incidentally he also would like to buy a ruler for drawing all finished so yes. It fits on the road to my home haris nanya
After the first street that I added the same dee haris even with him I often telfonan. And when again nelfon haris say 'eh, why do I miss gatau same lo. Whenever we walk again '
Original I was shocked and very happy. hell-o guy that I like to say I can imagine to miss it how I senengnya
And then again the same way I haris. From there a long time - a long way I so often at her and often we go to your place it Intermadia. Funny kingdom but rather spend time in bookstores.
And then the dark days come ..
I idly stalking his girlfriend facebook haris and what makes me who I nyesek clay. Yups haris nyindir pickles and judge me on facebook status. I was shocked and confused what to do. Yes I was wrong because weve ngedeketin boyfriend but how I've already liked.
Nyesek feeling it because it's my own responsibility risk people like the same girlfriend. Since then my attitude to different haris yes because I gamau in quipped again with her boyfriend. Harris asked about the change. Initially I gamau honest, and finally I said I changed because gamau quipped again.
"The wind blows, I fell in love ..."
Seilring long time - long I forgot the sarcasm incident. And I memualai again the same closeness haris. The longer deket and often the same way my feelings haris haris increasingly different to love again but unfortunately not.
Shit unfortunately, within 4 months of my closeness at Haris I love him. And closeness I haris same can not be called a regular friend again.
Becoming more and that love grew even haris were sometimes given more attention ngebuat I love him. Day - the same day coz I always haris and the more memories that I have experienced. Even after 5 months of my closeness at haris we bener - bener like the courtship. Enthlah maybe someone else will nganggep if I Only in PHP-in but I do not care what anybody else says. I sincerely care about haris without even demanding to be her boyfriend. Love and affection that should have not ga? and because I also realized that Haris already had a girlfriend I was getting speeding gamau make him feel overwhelmed at the demand - demand that sebneryna ga will never be fulfilled.
Weve sick care about someone who does not ever know even lo lo dear people that have the same feeling or engga. Most Comforta possible for people to tell me why can booh people who obviously care about - obviously already had a girlfriend but what should bolt I can not deny that I care about haris emang.

I type a new win half, the rest later again yap :)


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